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Hack GeoDjango Admin with Mapquest Tiles

The GeoDjango model admin provides a great OpenLayers interface, allowing a user to create geographic features (points, lines, polygons) directly via a web map. Out-of-the-box, GeoDjango ships with a base GeoAdmin class, using the default OL world borders layer, as well as a subclass for OSM streets data. The OSM layer is great, and provides a good base for most use cases. That being said, for PntTrax, I needed aerial tiles. My application deals primarily with the storage of field collected (GPS, field notes, aerial markup, etc.) data. Our data occur primarily in non-urban areas, where natural features provide a much better context for orientation then would be expected with any streets layer, OSM or otherwise. Mapquest provides a good set of aerial tiles, that can be easily integrated into OpenLayers.

It's easier to place a point on this:

Archived Post. Original Image Unavailable.

Then this:

Archived Post. Original Image Unavailable.

Hacking the admin to display the Mapquest aerial tiles is a pretty straightforward process. From the gis contrib package, we'll modify and its, subclassing the OSMGeoAdmin. Within the templates folder, we'll create two new files, a html template file, that actually points to a javascript file containing a reference to the Mapquest Open Aerial tiles service.

Creating mapquestGeoAdminSubclass #

The OSMGeoAdmin class is a subclass of the base GeoModelAdmin. The GeoModelAdmin contains a set of configuration parameters for the map, covering basic setup. The OSMGeoAdmin class utilizes many of those configuration parameters, but configures the map for a spherical mercator projection. Since our Mapquest Aerial Tiles also require a spherical mercator projection, our class will be a subclass of the OSMGeoAdmin.

We add the following code below the OSMGeoAdmin class definition.

    # Subclass OSMGeoAdmin, pointing to the To-Be-Created
    # Mapquest template file.`
    class mapquestGeoAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin):
        map_template = 'gis/admin/mapquest.html'

Modify the GIS Admin Package's #

The file imports the OSMGeoAdmin class, let's modify it to include our new subclass

    # From this
    from django.contrib.gis.admin.options import OSMGeoAdmin
    # To this
    from django.contrib.gis.admin.options import OSMGeoAdmin, mapquestGeoAdmin

Create mapquest.js #

Again, using the OpenStreetMap implementation as a reference, we can see that osm.js extends the basic openlayers.js file, but replaces the contents of the base layer block with an a reference to the OpenStreetMap layer.

We'll create a similar file in this package called mapquest.js. The contents are as follows:

{# Source: #}
{% extends "gis/admin/openlayers.js" %}
{% block base_layer %}
        new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ(
                attribution: "Tiles Courtesy of <a href='' target='_blank'>MapQuest</a>. Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency. <img src='' border='0'>",
                transitionEffect: "resize"
{% endblock %}

Create mapquest.html #

In the same folder, we'll create an html template file, pointing to our javascript file. We'll call the file mapquest.html. Here are the contents:

{% extends "gis/admin/openlayers.html" %}
{% block openlayers %}{% include "gis/admin/mapquest.js" %}{% endblock %}

In, Reference mapquestGeoAdmin #

The last step is to replace references to GeoModelAdmin or OSMGeoAdmin to mapquestGeoAdmin.

class PntTraxGeoAdmin(admin.mapquestGeoAdmin):
    """Base Class for Geometry Table Admin"""
    list_display = ('name','collectDate','group','featurePurpose','collectionMethod')
    list_editable = ('featurePurpose','group','collectionMethod')
    list_filter = ('featurePurpose','group__name')

And there you go. Your Django GeoAdmin interface is now rocking aerial tiles courtesy of Mapquest.