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SpatialLite: My First Look

With such a small footprint (a single file) SpatialLite appears to a novice like myself to be a fantastic niche storage solution for spatial data. In an environment where installing larger FOSS databases such as MySQL or PostGIS/PostgreSQL can be prohibitive, Spatial Lite appears to provide a great solution. Using the provided GUI interface, it's extremely easy for a first-time user to create an sqllite dbase, load multiple shapefiles, and create spatial indexes against them. Analogous to a FOSSGIS ESRI Geodatabase, I can see a lot of potential uses for GIS developers who require the indexing and searching power of a database as well as the portability of formats such as an ESRI Shapefile or KML.

It looks like a QGIS connection is in the works for the 1.1 release as well.

I'm not sure if it's already being done, but I'd bet that it would be pretty easy to put together a SpatialLite / FeatureServer combination, considering its native support for so many spatial-backends.

Some tutorials I've found to be very helpful have come from: BostonGIS and the SpatialLite project site.